Monday, August 24, 2009

Over 600 people are reading Russet now....!!

I am adding this in Feb. 2013. Everything below is all still true, except that the experiment has become a novel in progress. I expect to finish it before 2014.

The blog below was written early in the experiment. By the time I stopped writing in tweets, there were three thousand people reading Russet.  (((I had to set it aside to write work that was already scheduled by my publishers, including my trilogy:  A Resurrection of Magic is in production now (yay) 

The original post:

Thanks so much to everyone who has been in touch. I hoped the novel would work. I never expected what it has become. Instead of writing back to everyone, here are the answers to some of your questions:

1. I don't know how long Russet will be. The train feels like the first segment to me. No, it is not close to being finished. It is just getting started, I think.

2. I don't know it if will ever be published. I am not thinking about that at all now.

3. I think it might make an interesting film, too. What is finished would be the first act.

4. Yes, there is a Coast Starlight train, I have traveled this route many times. I love long train rides.

5. Where did the idea for doing a twitter novel come from? I talked about it here.

6. What was the inspiration for the story itself? I met a woman on a plane once, who was very clearly not who she said she was...I had lived in the city she claimed to be from, and I could tell she had never been there. Then I overheard her talking to someone else in the terminal, using a distinctly different voice and accent. So that was probably the spark.

7. Yes. I have written many normal books. You can find information on them here, just scroll down a bit.

8. Today, there are about 23 typed pages of tweets. Because of the compression, it feels like about 100 pages of novel to me.

9. I have to fit it in around my published work, and my travels. So sometimes there are lags of a week or so. I apologize. Sometimes I add material every day.

10. I announce updates on Twitter @kdueykduey and FB.

Thanks again!


Tricia J. O'Brien said...

After reading this post, I went to the Russet blog. Wow. I really was drawn in and riveted by Russet's tale. So much so that I have written a blog post about it and you. If you are interested it's at:

I love your work and will keep coming back for more.

kathleen duey said...

Thanks. This is such an experiment that...well, just...thanks...
