Monday, June 16, 2008

Limori's neighborhoods

.Limori, once you are up the hill from the docks, out of South -End's squalor and jumble, is a city of wood and brick. Beyond that, Ferrin Hill has estates, massive homes of quarried stone, built, like castles, to last generations. I realized this morning that I pictured the neighborhoods around Market Square like some of the older ones in Boston-a city I have visited only three times.
Writing about book-building here has made me notice where things come from, how I paste realities together to form a tangible fantasy, while I think I am just following the characters around. The Eridians have basis in fact, too. Writing all those middle grade historical novels left me with piles and e-piles of research, all of which include great stories I couldn't use at the time. America has a long history of cultural experiments.


Linda said...

Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving those nice words!

I've been reading some of your posts and they are well-written and interesting! Your book sounds intriquing.

kathleen duey said...

Hello! I wish I'd had you as an English teacher in middle school. I might have gotten that first book written a decade or two sooner...
The moon phase project at
is lovely.

If I can do some small thing for your students next year, let me know. I have done writing prompts, written character sketches that students then invent a fictional "voice" to match, etc.

Thanks again for saving civilization. Teachers, librarians and independent booksellers are my heros.